AFZ ZAMBIA, John Chiti, LOTI HOUSE, Cairo Road, Room 811, 8th Floor, 10101 Lusaka Zambia (opposite Kwacha House)
+260977977026 Phone/Whatsapp

Engagement meeting on REJECTION of PWA in families

Engagement meeting on Rejection of children with albinism in families. Many children with albinism are rejected by their fathers because of their condition. Watch this 7 minutes documentary as our organization discuss this issue with different stakeholders in Chipata. Among others Victim

Please Share: New Video by John Chiti ” Disability Inclusion”

disability is not inability, give us the opportunity because we can do it. this song call for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all areas of life. while we are still living in the corona virus pandemic, i have produced yet

Über die AFZ – Albinism Foundation of Sambia

Quelle: Weltfriedensdienst Albinismus ist eine Erbkrankheit, durch die Haut, Haare und Augen hell und empfindlich sind. Afrikanerinnen und Afrikaner mit Albinismus müssen sich gegen Stigmatisierung und Aberglauben wehren. Nach wie vor sind Morde und grausame Verstümmelungen an Menschen mit Albinismus in vielen

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