Last year one of the ritual attack cases we recorded was of the 73 years old woman in a village of Mpika district . This woman was attacked by criminals who broke in her bedroom at night and chopped off her fingers and teeth. She cried for help in pain and her family came to rescue her but the 2 attackers ran away.
She was admitted and treated at Mpika Hospital and discharged when her condition became stable. The police arrested 2 suspects and the matter is still being investigated.
The Albinism Foundation of Zambia visited the survivor and helped to Relocate the woman and her family to Mpika town as she could not go back to her village after the attack.
“this is the second time am attacked. If I go back they may come back and finish me” she said in fear.
The foundation has been supporting her since the attack. Paying for her rentals at a more secure home within Mpika town and help with upkeep of the family.
Since the victim is an old woman we have opted to empower her only daughter who is staying with her. She is a business lady and need capital/training to enable her look after her mother.
Unfortunately she has also developed a sow near the right eye which has affected her sight. It looks like cancer (which most persons with Albinism are prone to due to exposure to the sun) as it started small and now grow towards the eye.
To offer any support towards this family feel free to call or WhatsApp us on +260969629952 or email us at afzlusaka@gmail.com.
Life in the city is hard for this family but they still can’t go back to the village because they are troumatised.
“I won’t go back to the village. Please don’t take me back to that house “
the woman has lamented