AFZ ZAMBIA, John Chiti, LOTI HOUSE, Cairo Road, Room 811, 8th Floor, 10101 Lusaka Zambia (opposite Kwacha House)
+260977977026 Phone/Whatsapp

17.08.2020 LIVE tonight on Facebook: Susan Mwape   H.I.L CONVERSATIONS Education is the basic right of every child and is essential for their cognitive, emotional, social, cultural and physical development. It provides the knowledge and skills they need to integrate into and contribute to their societies. On a

Campaign For Ending Discrimination During Coronavirus

Campaign For Ending Discrimination During Coronavirus 7. Juli, 13:40 Source:  Equal World Campaign from Sightsavers is calling on UN member states to meet the needs of people with disabilities during the coronavirus outbreak.  We spoke with John Chiti, a musician and activist

Über die AFZ – Albinism Foundation of Sambia

Quelle: Weltfriedensdienst Albinismus ist eine Erbkrankheit, durch die Haut, Haare und Augen hell und empfindlich sind. Afrikanerinnen und Afrikaner mit Albinismus müssen sich gegen Stigmatisierung und Aberglauben wehren. Nach wie vor sind Morde und grausame Verstümmelungen an Menschen mit Albinismus in vielen


Organization Structure The executive board is comprised of elected (or co-opted members) whose primary resposnsbilityis to oversee the foundation strategic direction. They appoints executive director and programscoordinator. Executive director appoints/employ other support staff to form management. Thetop senior staff include the Executive

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