Menschen sind unterschiedlich. Aber manchmal werden solche geboren, die kein Pigment in ihrem Körper haben. Dieses Phänomen nennt man Albinismus. Das Fehlen von Pigmenten kann den in den meisten Ländern der Welt lebenden Albinos das Leben schwer machen. Aber in Afrika ist
Situation in Zambia There are about 25,324 people with albinism in Zambia, according to thecountry‟s last census, conducted in 2010. Noting the efforts made by the Zambia government to promote thewelfare of PWA in the country including prohibiting racial discriminationof
disability is not inability, give us the opportunity because we can do it. this song call for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all areas of life. while we are still living in the corona virus pandemic, i have produced yet
My name is Emma. Am married with 2 children. My 2nd child has albinism. I think we need more Empowerment as women and mothers to children with albinism. I dropped out of school after being pregnant. I am a business woman who
1. DIGITAL LITERACY TRAINING AND FILM SCREENING PROJECT The covid 19 pandemic has not spared Zambia. Like most countries Zambia keeps on recording cases of corona virus and this has made government to put restrictive measures on several things and areas. Schools
About Albinism Questions and answers on Albinism What is albinism? The word “albinism” refers to a group of inherited conditions. People with albinism have little or no pigment in the eyes, skin, and hair (or in some cases in the eyes alone).