Her name is Rachel, 34 years old. She is the young sister to the late Emmanuel who was brutally murdered in chipata. She has fled her home in Chipata and has come to lusaka seeking refuge.

“ From the time my brother was killed, I have been living in fear. I feel like I may be the next victim” she said.
Rachel said people pass on silly comments when whey see her which constantly makes her to remember how her bet brother was killed.
“ They make fun of me and call me ‘money’ I no longer feel safe in my village”
Rachel heard about our organisation after we helped to burry his brother and decided to visit our office asking for help.
“ Am asking for any form of empowerment so that I start a new life here. I can’t go back to my village” she said while explaining her story.
She has 4 children and has been married for 13 years but she said she is also leaving the marriage behind because her husband was very abusive to her.
“ My years in marriage was years of hardship. My husband is a drunkered and used to beat me a lot. I took him to police 6 times but never changed. I was only holding on for the sake of the children and because I had nowhere else to run to”
Rachel said the abuse in her marriage became worse and put her life in danger. The late Emmanuel used to help her as her husband was not responsible enough but when he died life became even worse.
“ if I don’t leave my house and my village I may either be killed by my abusive husband or criminals who are after albino body parts” she said. Rachel is now under our care as we find a lasting solution to her.
This is why you should continue supporting our work because people like Rachel keep running to us for refuge. You support us and we support them.