The covid 19 pandemic has not spared Zambia. Like most countries Zambia keeps on recording cases of corona virus and this has made government to put restrictive measures on several things and areas. Schools have been closed and as a way of catching up and continuing with the education many government and private schools have introduced electronic learning where lessons, tests and exams are being done online. Government has even introduced a TV channel which is focused on televising education programs and lessons. This is the direction most countries are going.
However, persons with albinism are being left behind with this online learning as most of them don’t have access to equipment such as computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets etc. many schools are not equipped with such and there are no or few places where PWA can go to access such equipment. There is no free Wi-Fi so even those who have personal computers or smart phones are still having challenges accessing the e learning due to lack of internet bundles. Moreover most PWA don’t have the knowledge as they are not trained in how to operate computers, smart phones or internet services. This project aims at training PWA in digital literacy by AFZ so as to enable them have basic knowledge and skill in information technology.
This project has 2 main objectives which are;
• To equip persons with albinism in digital literacy and computers
By the end of the project we want to see the following changes;
• 20 PWA able to operate computers and smart phones
• 20 AFZ facilitators able to take pictures, record videos, audios and edit using mobile phones
• At least 5 PWA able to do office duties such as typing, printing, photocopying, filing
• AFZ members access free internet at the office and become more active on social media and other online platforms
• Facilitators become more active on AFZ/STEPS whatsAp groups and engage with others
Digital Literacy Training;
Our organization has managed to set up space and computers for the purpose of starting a training program for persons with albinism. This project will give further support for AFZ to train 20 youths in computers and internet. The program will take 4 students at a time and each group will run through a one month training after which another group of 4 people joins for the same
Until a total number of 20 PWA are trained by the end of this project.
The majority of the people to be trained will be facilitators who have participated in film screenings and TOF workshops with STEPS. Gender balance will be considered when selecting participants. The students will be coming for daily lessons at AFZ Lusaka office from
Monday to Friday whereas AFZ will provide them with transport refunds and refreshments during the trainings. AFZ office is equipped with computers for the participants to learn and practice what they learn. The office will also provide free internet (Wi-Fi) throughout the project period and participants and other members will be allowed to access the internet on their mobile phones or computers for free.
This project is made possible by the technical and financial support from our partner;
Social Transformation and Empowerment Projects (STEPS)
P.O Box 21545, Kloof Street
Cape Town, South Africa
Telephone; +27 (0) 21 465 5805
Fax; +27 (0) 21 465 5806
Email; info@steps.co.za
Website; www.steps.co.za

AFZ has identified Zambia police as a very important partner in albinism issues especially matters to do with ritual killings of PWA. For this reason the foundation has objectively targeted police and has done activities with them with the aim of getting them on board. The previous film screenings and meetings AFZ has had with police have led to a good relationship between the two and have opened doors for more engagement. AFZ has just received a letter from police headquarters in which they have given a go ahead for us to organize meetings with police officers. They have also shown willingness to be involved in awareness programs so they also help champion albinism issues. This project aims at doing film screenings with Zambia police for the purpose of engaging them fully in issues around safety for persons with albinism.
AFZ will conduct 10 facilitated film screenings in Lusaka and 2 screenings in Chipata of eastern province. These screenings will be focused on Zambia police and will have police officers from different departments as the target audience. The screenings will take place in police stations, conference rooms and will be limited to 20 participants in each screening.
The screenings will adhere to health guidelines given by the ministry of health to combat covid 19 such as social distancing, wearing of face masks, hand sanitizing and having a limited number of participants and keeping the programs short.
• Increased collaborations between AFZ and Zambia police on albinism matters
• By end of 2020 AFZ/Police record at least 2 reported ritual attacks prosecution by the courts of law.
• To fully engage Zambia police in albinism matters through facilitated film screenings
This project will be implemented in 2 districts namely Lusaka and Chipata. Many of the activities will be done in Lusaka with a few screenings in Chipata. For Lusaka, the IT training program will be done at AFZ office at Loti House 8th floor room 811 where the training Conner has been set up.
Film screening will be done in different police stations in Lusaka which includes; police Headquarters, Lusaka Central, Matero, Woodlands and Emasdale police stations. 2 screenings will be done in eastern province at Chipata police. The administration and reporting of the project will be done from AFZ head office in Lusaka.
This program will run from July to November 2020. AFZ will conduct 2 screenings every month and IT classes every week from Monday to Friday in Lusaka