Women Empowerment
We offer empowerment to women who are mothers to children with albinism and women who have albinism.
Most women are blamed, devorced and abandoned when they give birth to children with albinism. Usually the men run away leaving the women with their children. even their families don’t support them instead blame them for bringing ‘the albino’ child (which is mostly considered a curse and shame to the family)
Once registered with AFZ we offer empowerment in form of financial support, business training and capitals, back to school program for women who didn’t finish school and equipying them with life supporting skills such as tailoring, catering, chicken raring and other skills.

‘ give someone a fish, you feed them for one day but teach them how to fish, you feed them for the rest of their lives’
The main aim of this program is to empower women so that they are able to look after their children.